David Luke

Download audio | May 17, 2016

David Luke is a music producer from Albany, GA and a network producer for NPR’s Microphone Check.

Follow David Luke:

@DavidLuke0123NPR's Microphone Check | IG: @DavidLuke0123 | Soundcloud

Rhymes: Reflection Eternal, "The Blast," Little Brother, "Morning," and Slum Village, "Go Ladies."


  1. 🔥🔥🔥

  2. Nice David proud of you!! Sounds good!

    Ariel Key
  3. D Luke aka My Titan (behind his back) you the truth and I always NEED MORE! Your story your creativity and your drive, it’s all important to me because we are of the same skin, same world, different mentalities but same intentions to merge our inner planet with the one we live on now. You are IT. Keep pushing King !

  4. The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life are the people who had insights about you, that you didn’t know about yourself. 
    You are talented beyond belief I pray that you keep the same spirit! You still the same ole David keep up the great work !!!

    Amber " Charligh "Johnson
  5. hallo an alle,ich hab das selbe problem wie alle hier, aber nachdem ich den ersten tip befolgt hab, ist mein iphone wieder ansprechbar! vielen dank dafür erstmal!!! meine frage ist nun, kann ich noch irgenwie meine daten sichern mit irgendeinem trick?itunes fragt mich nur nach wirtuehersdelleng und bietet nix weiteres an…


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